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From NIMBY to Neighbour

Brokering a dialogue about homelessness among people experiencing homelessness, law enforcement, and the community

The purpose of the From NIMBY to Neighbour study is to interrogate perceptions about people experiencing homelessness as inherently deviant and dangerous, and build a new narrative premised on knowledge sharing and enhancing community resiliency.

From Roots to Home

From Roots to Home image of a tree depicting the root causes of homelessness and the effort to become housed. The tree has the words strength, resilience, survival, and struggle. The image is two sided - one side hows what can happen if people are provided with care and support and the other side represents what happens when people are not given the tools and resources to flourish.

Fostering Inclusive Community Responses to Homelessness Workshop

The Centre for Resarch on Security Pratices and the NIMBY to Neighbour research team hosted a workshop on September 29th, 2022 supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. This workshop was designed to address the challenges facing mid-sized cities and was guided by the following objectives:

  • Sharing scholarly analyses of issues concerning homelessness in mid-sized cities with respect to enhancing community building and social inclusion.
  • Identifying research gaps and developing a national research network of scholars in the field of homelessness, mid-sized communities, and community building.
  • Sharing learnings from the workshop with key stakeholders and the public.

Resources from the workshop can be found below. Note that additional outputs stemming from the workshop will be added to this site as they are completed.

Contact Us:

Carrie Sanders, Director

Bree Akesson, Associate Director

Toyin Kareem, Project Coordinator

T: 519.756.8228 x5376