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Visiting Scholar and New Project Coordinator

 Dr Hadi Rasooli

Dr. Hadi Rassooli

Dr. Hadi Rassooli is Laurier’s first Visiting Researcher through the Afghan At-Risk Scholars Program. He is a psychiatrist from Afghanistan, skilled in mental health advocacy and trauma-informed therapies and has worked as a clinician focusing on equity and  human rights issues for marginalized populations. He has worked with Dr. Bree Akesson, who provided technical assistance on a USAID-funded project to improve the mental health system in Afghanistan and the research team published several articles, one of which was awarded the 2022 best journal article prize from International Social Work. Dr. Rassooli will be based in the Faculty of Social Work’s BSW program in Brantford.

 Toyin Kareem

Toyin Kareem

Dr. Toyin Kareem, is our new Project Coordinator, who will be managing all Centre activities. Toyin comes with many years of experience in Project Management and Development, as well as Education and Training in Communication and Social Justice. In addition to her work here, she is a part-time professor at Conestoga College. Toyin is excited to join the team and is looking forward to the fantastic work and research here.

Contact Us:

Carrie Sanders, Director

Bree Akesson, Associate Director

Toyin Kareem, Project Coordinator

T: 519.756.8228 x5376