The Tshepo Institute is engaged in research on issues that affect Africa and the African diaspora. Our members explore topics related to the areas below:
Includes international development, politics, refugee crisis, climate change, and students abroad.
- President Trump, UN Ambassador Haley and Africa (Jeff Grischow)
- Trump and Africa II (Jeff Grischow)
- Trump and Africa: Views from the African Studies Association of the USA (Jeff Grischow)
- Reflections on the Current Drought in East Africa (Jeff Grischow)
- The Neoliberal Promise: Rhetoric and Reality (Brayden Anstee)
- Africa in the Age of Globalisation: New Book Edited By Tshepo Fellows
- Meningitis Outbreak in Niger (Jeff Grischow)
- African Union chooses Dictator Mugabe as New Chair (Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann)
Social Justice
Includes social inclusion, poverty, and slavery.
- Abdul Raufa Mustapha and Progressive Scholarship (Jeff Grischow)
- Slavery in West Africa: Review of Abina and the Important Men (Parker Beemer)
- A Laurier student’s experience at the Refugee Law Project in Kampala, Uganda (Ahmed Ali)
- Sexual Abuse in the United Nations (Thomas Rose)
Human Rights
Includes democracy, disability rights, and refugees.
- Stigma, discrimination and social exclusion of the mentally ill in Ghana (Magnus Mfoafo M'Carthy and Jeff Grischow)
- Human rights and disability in Africa: A case study from Ghana, 2008-2014
- South Sudan's refugee crisis and ideas for a way forward (Jeff Grischow)
- The Syrian refugee crisis: global community or global incongruity (Brayden Anstee)
- A Tshepo Mandela lecture, "Truth, Justice and Reconciliation: Re-imagining human rights in post-conflict peacebuilding"
Domestic Issues
Includes urban planning.
Afro-Puerto Rican Culture
Includes field courses, and research.
- Africa and Puerto Rico: Reflections on Loiza and Hacienda La Esperanza (Heather Smith)
- African culture in Puerto Rico (Jeff Grischow)
- Afro-Puerto Rican culture through Samuel Lind (JJ Doran)
- Dancing to the beat of West African history: Cultural preservation in Loiza, Puerto Rico (Grace Jansen)
- Slavery in Puerto Rico: A visit to Hacienda La Esperanza (Madeline McInnis)
Psychological and Social Determinants of Health and Well-being
Includes field courses, and research.