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External Fellows

External Research Fellows hold academic appointments at other recognized universities. These members would have demonstrated alignment with the research agenda and/or activities of the Tshepo Institute,  submitted a request to the Director to be an External Research Fellow, and the request would have been ratified by Tshepo's Council and the Standing Committee on Research and Publications. 



Dr. Amir Al-Azraki, University of Waterloo

Dr. Amir Al-Azraki is an Arab-Canadian playwright, literary translator, Theatre of the Oppressed practitioner, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Studies in Islamic and Arab Cultures Program at Renison University College, University of Waterloo. Al-Azraki is the translator of Africanism: Blacks in the Medieval Arab Imaginary, author of The Discourse of War in Contemporary Theatre (in Arabic), co-editor and co-translator of Contemporary Plays from Iraq, and “A Rehearsal for Revolution”: An Approach to Theatre of the Oppressed (in Arabic). His current research explores theatre in post-war Iraq, the depiction of Americans in post-colonial Iraqi literature, and Afro-Iraqi rituals and heritage. His research interests are Arabic language, culture, and literature, Theatre of the Oppressed, Arab Theatre, literary translation; and Afro-Arab cultural representation.


Dr. Afia Nyarko Boakye, Ghana Communication Technology University

Dr. Afia Nyarko Boakye is a lecturer of human resource management at Ghana Communication Technology University (GCTU). She holds Ph.D. in Human Resource Management and has eight years of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience. Her research focuses on human resource planning, organizational behavior, leadership, graduate employability studies, entrepreneurship, and gender-related issues. Apart from her academic background, she has been rendering valuable services to the University and the community on women's empowerment, youth mentorship, and gender advocacy. She has been researching with colleagues on issues related to organizational behavior, higher education, artificial intelligence, green human resources, and gender. Her research interests are organisational behaviour, sustainability leadership, entrepreneurship, and employability studies.


Dr. Katherine Bruce-Lockhart, University of Waterloo

Dr. Katherine Bruce-Lockhart is an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Waterloo. Her research critically examines the afterlives of colonial carceral institutions, particularly prisons and detention camps. She historizes the ways in which the prison became a global institution, linking this to wider discussions about and movements for decolonization and prison abolition. Katherine recently published the book Carceral Afterlives: Prisons, Detention, and Punishment in Postcolonial Uganda. Along with her research, Katherine has also worked on several archival restoration projects in Uganda, a reparations case between Kenyan citizens involved in the Mau Mau Rebellion and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and a report for the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions. 


Dr. Austin Emielu, University of Ghana and Rhodes University

Prof. Austin Emielu's research and publications focus mainly on African popular music, popular culture and African Diaspora music. He is interested in research that provides new ways of thinking about and presenting the music of Africa to the world, as well as connecting continental Africa with the Diaspora. He is the author of the book Nigerian Highlife Music and several other publications. Prof. Emielu is a Fellow of the African Humanities Program of the American Council of Learned Societies, African Studies Association Presidential Fellow (2019) and former Liaison Officer (Nigeria) for the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD). He previously worked as a faculty member at the University of Ilorin and at Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria. Currently, he is a Visiting Professor to the University of Ghana and Rhodes University, South Africa. Austin is also an accomplished musician and music producer with the artist name Austin Maro.


Dr. Charles Gyan, McGill University

Dr. Charles Gyan is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at McGill University. His scholarly interests lie in the areas of transnational social work practice, social policy, community development and gender issues. He also aims to maintain an active research agenda and have interest in collaborating with authors from other areas of interest who use varied methodologies. His program of research is founded on his deeply held commitment to social justice. The overall goal of his research program is to inform policy and other systems-level interventions in order to promote the full inclusion of marginalized groups. With his TISCA colleagues, Charles is PI on the SSHRC-funded study From Vulnerability to Resilience: Highly Skilled African Immigrants' Experiences in the Quebec Labour Market.


Prof. Samuel Fosu Gyasi, University of Energy and Natural Resources

Prof. Samuel Fosu Gyasi is an Associate Professor (Microbiology and Global Health) at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana. His current research area is in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) (Including Buruli Ulcer, Schistosomiasis, and Filariasis), Malaria, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Environmental Health and Global Health. He has over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Prof. Gyasi was a proud recipient of an International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) global award in London, United Kingdom, in 2016 in recognition to his research in WASH and Buruli ulcer. He was also a co-recipient of Partners for Appropriate Technologies into Health (PATH) in 2018.


Dr. Sylvanus Kwashie Kuwor, University of Ghana

Dr. Sylvanus Kwashie Kuwor is a versatile performing artist and scholar who has over the years operated in both Ghana and the outside world, including South Africa, Britain, France, Norway, Hungary, Iceland, the United States, and Canada. He is the author of the book, Agbadza dance of the Anlo-Ewe. He is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Dance Studies, University of Ghana. He holds a Diploma in Dance Studies from the University of Ghana, an M.A. from Brunel University in London, a Postgraduate Diploma in Ethnochoreology from NTNU, Norway, and a PhD in Dance Anthropology from the University of Roehampton in London. He is a co-editor of the book, The Role and Transmission of Performing Arts in Rural Ghana (2023).


Prof. Rosemary Kimani-Dupuis, Lakehead University 

Rosemary Dupuis is a human rights and social justice advocate and feminist. Her expertise is in human rights, global health policy and governance, violence and trauma, mental health, human trafficking, and immigration and refugee protection. She weaves together diverse ways of knowing: feminist thinking, personal experience, and community wisdom (respect for oral traditions and cultural beliefs) to reflect broad and deep thinking. She brings this knowledge, expertise, ways of knowing, and policy experience with grassroots organizations to her research work and teaching in the Gender and Women’s Studies (GSW) department and the Social Justice Studies program at Lakehead University. Her current research nexus is VAW/SGVB, human rights, and trauma/resilience-informed global health governance policy. Her geographic region of specialization is Canada, the East and Horn of Africa, and Great Lakes (EHAGL) region. 


Dr. Sylvester Lamin, University of Minnesota 

Dr. Sylvester Lamin is in social work at St. Mary's University of Minnesota. His research interests focus on law enforcement social work, community policing, communities and organizations, and macro social work expert.


Dr. Christine S. K. Lwanga, University of Manitoba

Dr. Lwanga's research interests are focused on human rights core principles (values), objectives and related policy supporting sustainable development. Lwanga’s research, innovation and development work focuses on the role of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and UNESCO (1978) Declaration on Race and the Elimination of Racial Prejudice in advancing healing, the protection and promotion of mental health and social justice (equitable inclusion, social and economic development). She employs critical race and social theory, systems-based knowledge, post-modernism dialectical analysis, “self” in professional practice, diversity- equity and inclusion (DEI) practice theory and impact evaluation; and highlights transformative teaching and learning and participatory action research. Her research interest include equality of human dignity and worth, systemic racism, respect of diversity, praxis, mental health, and equity.


Dr. Khalid Madhi, Phillips Exeter Academy

Dr. Khalid Madhi is an Instructor of History at Phillips Exeter Academy. He is interested in issues of urban marginalities, conceptions of power and the status of “Other” in the contemporary determinations of politics. He is the author of a book titled Urban Restructuring, Power and Capitalism in the Tourist City: Contested Terrains of Marrakesh (Routledge, 2019), in which he focuses on the processes of urban restructuring, power relations, and the political economy of touristic authenticity in the context of global capitalism.


Prof. Mercy Mirembe Ntaangare, Makerere University

Prof. Mercy Mirembe Ntaangare is a playwright, folklorist, educationalist, theatre maker, and producer. She has been an Associate Professor of Drama (Theatre) at Makerere University, Kampala, and a Director at MEBO Theatre Documentaries Ltd since 2006. MEBO Theatre produces theatre classics, Safe Fun, Entertainment, and Recreation for Children and Young People. Mercy is a member of IDEA (International Drama and Theatre Education Association), African Theatre Association (AfTA), FEMRITE (Uganda Women Writers Association), AUGA (Association of Ugandan-German Alumni), and Lions International.


Dr. Funke Oba, Toronto Metropolitan University

Dr. Funke Oba is an Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director of Social Work at Toronto Metropolitan University. She supervises graduate students in Canadian universities and facilitates diversity and anti-racism training for groups and organizations. Her research interests include Black youth asset-based engagement, Afrocentric praxis, North-South collaborations and the scholarship of teaching and Learning. Funke is PI on the SSHRC-funded Exploring Equitable Educational Outcomes for Black Youth in Saskatoon.


Dr. Temitope B. Oriola, University of Alberta

Dr. Temitope B. Oriola is a Professor of Criminology and Sociology at the University of Alberta and President-elect of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA). Tope’s research focuses on policing and the use of force by police, terrorism studies, and resource-related conflict (involving tactics like political kidnappings). Publications from his research appear in leading scholarly journals, such as Sociology (the flagship journal of the British Sociological Association), the British Journal of Criminology, African Affairs, Critical Studies on Terrorism, African Security, Third World Quarterly, Review of African Political Economy, and Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, among others.  Tope regularly contributes to public scholarship through keynotes, op-eds, media interviews and expert opinions. A decorated researcher and teacher, Professor Oriola is a two-time Carnegie fellow, the 2020 recipient of the Kathleen W. Klawe Prize for teaching excellence and 2022 research excellence award recipient, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta. He previously served as special adviser on Police Act Review (Government of Alberta). He is also former president of the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS).


Dr. Elizabeth Onyango, University of Alberta

Dr. Elizabeth Onyango is an Assistant Professor of Healthy and Sustainable Communities in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. Her research is grounded in eco-social framework, Afrocentrism, critical theory, community engagement and community-based participatory research approaches. She employs mixed-methods approaches, including both qualitative (interviews, focus groups, Afrocentric sharing circles, photovoice, and document reviews) and quantitative (survey methodologies) techniques. She has done research in Kenya, Ecuador, South Africa, and Canada, and her work has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Social Sciences & Medicine, PLos One, Wellbeing, Space & Society, Environments, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Public Health Nutrition, and Journal of Maternal & Child Nutrition. Her research interests further include explorative studies of what matters to communities and populations, with a focus on food security and nutrition of populations and social inequalities in health and wellbeing. Her work also extends into intersections of gender, gender-based violence, household food security and the associated health outcomes in women, children, and youth.


Dr. Jeffrey K O Thompson, Northeastern University College of Professional Studies

Dr. Thompson lectures in the Project Management Programs at Northeastern University's College of Professional Studies. His research interests include diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging within schools and workspaces. He is currently a liaison between the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) and the York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities (YRAACC). In this capacity, he collaborates with the YCDSB on initiatives to improve outcomes for their Black students. His recent publications include "Racial Diversity in Publicly Traded Companies" (2021) and "Psychological Safety: Agilely Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Approaches" (2023).


Dr. Peter Gutwa Oino, Kisii University

Dr. Peter Gutwa Oino, PhD, is a senior lecturer and dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Kisii University, Kenya. He holds a PhD in Anthropology (2017)-(Moi University) and an MA in Sociology (Community Development & Project Management option)-(2013)-(Egerton University). PGDS in Project Management (2010) (KIMS); Higher National Diploma in Human Resource Management (KNEC); and BA (2008) (Moi University). He is a researcher, program development management specialist, and lecturer with 10+ years of experience at local and national development organizations and at the university level. As a researcher, Peter has been awarded over 10 research grants (individual and collaborative) in various thematic fields such as food security, culture, leadership and development, Climate change, mobility and livelihoods, morality and well-being and disability. He has extensive knowledge of mixed research and a certified ToT in mixed research methods, which he has published widely. As a consultant, he has consulted for County governments and national and International NGOs. In terms of community work, he is the founder of Genesis of Development Foundation (2012) and Elevate, Livelihood, Peace, and Advocacy (ELPA), national NGOs working towards improving the lives of vulnerable populations in Kenya. Currently, he is the MicroResearch IWK-Dalhousie University-Canada Site Coordinator at Kisii University and a focal person for family context and wellbeing research and interventions between Kisii University and the University of Minnesota in Kenya. Above all, he has a high level of veracity and integrates well in multicultural environments.


Dr. Ian Spears, University of Guelph

Dr. Ian Spears is in Political Science at the University of Guelph. His interests focuses on the twin issues of conflict resolution and state formation, where, in collaboration with other scholars, he developed the concept of “states-within-states.”  Dr. Spears is the author of Believers, Skeptics and Failure in Conflict Resolution (Palgrave, 2019) and Civil War in African States: The Search for Security (Lynne Rienner, 2010). He is co-editor, with Paul Kingston, of States Within States: Incipient Political Entities in the Post-Cold War Era (Palgrave 2004).  He has published numerous book chapters as well as articles in scholarly journals including Global Change, Peace & SecurityThe Journal of DemocracyThird World QuarterlyThe Review of African Political EconomyAfrican Security ReviewThe African Conflict and Peacebuilding ReviewThe International Journal, and Civil WarsHis most recent publication "Decolonisation and the Enduring Legacy of Colonial Borders in Africa," published in Decolonisation: Revolution and Evolution, David Boucher and Ayesha Omar eds., (University of Witswatersrand Press, 2023), explores the vexing issue of borders on the continent.  The essay compliments a broader research agenda that connects processes of state formation in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America, with outcomes of peace and conflict.


Dr. Christopher Stuart Taylor, University of Waterloo

Dr. Christopher Stuart Taylor is the Associate Vice-President of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism (EDI-R) at the University of Waterloo. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of History. He completed his PhD at Western University (Canada) in History and Migration & Ethnic Relations (MER). His book, Flying Fish in the Great White North: The Autonomous Migration of Black Barbadians, is available from Fernwood Publishing.


Dr. Gosnell Yorke, Copperbelt University, Zambia

Dr. Gosnell L. Yorke is Coordinator of the Lusaka Branch Office of the Dag Hammarskjold Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (DHIPS) at the Copperbelt University in Kitwe, Zambia. He is also Founder, Executive Chair and President of the Pan-African Development Forum (PDF) in Zambia. His wide-ranging and extensive publications focus mostly on the postcolonial translation of the Bible in Africa, Pan-Africanism, and Contemporary Africa and its Diaspora as constitutive of Global Africa. His latest publication is "Africanism" in The General History of Africa. Edited by R. Tabue et al.  Volume IX. Paris, France: UNESCO. 



In Memorial 

Dr. Olabanji Akinola, Political Science, Algoma University 

Dr. Olabanji Akinola's expertise was mainly in the fields of Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Global Development. He taught introductory and advanced-level courses in these fields.

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Karen Cyrus, Director


Stacey Wilson-Forsberg, Associate Director
