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Psychological and Social Determinants of Health and Well-Being

Fostering Equitable Education Systems for those with Disabilities: A Canada-Ghana Partnership for addressing Indicators of Inclusive Education and Building Training Networks (2019-2023)

Research Lead: Magnus Mfoafo-McCarthy, Jeff Grischow

Peer Reviewed Publications

Mfoafo-M’Carthy, M., J. D. Grischow, and N. Stocco (2020) “Cloak of Invisibility: A Literature Review of Physical Disability in Ghana,” Sage Open, January-March, 1-8.

Mfoafo-M’Carthy, M. (2020). “Mama! I Hear your Silence: Grief and COVID-19 on the Global North and South Disparity.” Qualitative Social Work, 20(1-2),

Experiencing Disability Stigma and its Impact on Individuals and their Families (2017-2019)

Research Lead: Magnus Mfoafo-McCarthy, Jeff Grischow 

Peer Reviewed Publications

Mfoafo-M’Carthy, M., and J. D. Grischow (2020). “‘Being Heard’: The Socio-Economic Impact of Psychiatric Care on People Diagnosed with Mental Illness and their Caregivers in Ghana.” International Social Work DOI: 10.1177/0020872820962177

A History Disability Rights in Ghana: Transition, Adaptation and Lived Experience (2017-2022)

Research Lead: Jeff Grischow, Magnus Mfoafo-McCarthy 

Peer Reviewed Publications

A History Disability Rights in Ghana: Transition, Adaptation and Lived Experience": 

Disability Rights & Inclusiveness in Africa: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, Challenges & Change, edited by Jeff Grischow and Magnus Mfoafo-M'Carthy, under contract with James Curry Publishers.

Child Protection in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Development in Ghana

Transforming Urban Food Security in Secondary Cities (2018-2022)

Research Lead: Andrea Brown (CI), Jonathan Crush (PI)


Event has been delayed by Covid19, a panel will take place at the Canadian Association of African Studies Conference in May 2021.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Brown, Andrea (Under Review). “Co-productive Urban Planning: Protecting and Expanding Food Security in Uganda’s Secondary Cities”. In Liam Riley and Jonathan Crush (Eds). Transforming Urban Food Systems in Africa: Trading, Producing, and Consuming in Secondary Cities. Palgrave

Hungry Cities Partnership (2014-2021)

Research Lead: Andrea Brown (CI), Jonathan Crush (PI)

Peer Reviewed Publications

Brown, Andrea. (2021). “From Decentralisation to Co-Production in Kampala: Changing the Game for Uganda’s Urban Poor?” Trialog: Planning and Building in a Global Context.

South-South Migration and Migrant Food Insecurity: Interactions, Impacts and Remedies (2021-2028)

Research Lead: Andrea Brown (CI), Stacey Wilson-Forsberg (CI), Jonathan Crush (PI)

Food Insecurity Research in Black Identifying Communities (2021)

Research Lead: Funke Oba (PI), Elizabeth Opiyo 

Food Security Uganda (2021)

Research Lead: A. Brown

Book Chapter

Brown, A. (2022). Co-productive urban planning: Protecting and expanding food security in Uganda’s secondary cities. In Liam Riley and Jonathan Crush (eds). Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa. Palgrave

Conference Presentations

Brown, A. (2022). Co-production strategies in Kampala, Uganda: Addressing climate change and food access. 5th AAPS-Conference. Urban Africa in the 21st Century: Current Issues and Future Prospects of Urban Governance and Planning. November, Dortmund University, Germany (virtually).


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