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Digital Resources


A highly interactive, early literacy web-based tool, ABRACADABRA supports beginning readers through 33 engaging activities linked to 20 stories of different kinds.  This program was developed in part by Alexandra Gottardo and Eileen Wood. To access this highly effective, fun, and engaging early literacy tool, please visit the Learning Toolkit website. They are freely available to teachers and parents who are supporting learnings at home. 

Baby Connections

Baby Connections is a free community program that helps families develop literacy and language skills with their babies (6-12 months of age) and provides each family with a  take-home kit of resources. The pilot program was overseen by Alexandra Gottardo and Amy Grant.  For more information about the program, please contact the program coordinator. 

Choose your Own Adventure: Web-based Case Studies

The “choose your own adventure” case studies were developed in partnership with the Ontario Principal Council. These interactive case studies use a web-based platform and multi-modal delivery mechanisms (audio, video,  and text) to provide multiple options for decisions and feedback. Technology-enhanced,  interactive case studies hold great promise for synthesizing two types of 21st-century skill areas: learning and innovation, and information, media and technology. These skills are crucial for principals as they are tasked with the job of developing inclusive schools, one of the challenges confronting global societies.

Disability Ghana

Diability Ghana gives a voice to disabled Ghanaians by providing stories, research, and resources related to the history and experience of disability in Ghana. The materials have been gathered as part of two research projects: Magnus Mfoafo-M'Carthy’s study examines contemporary perceptions and experiences of disability and Jeff Grischow’s explores the historical context and development of disability rights from the 1950s to the present.   

Glocal Perspective Building 

Steve Sider’s "Glocal Perspective Building" blog attempts to capture the melding of global and local realities in a single resource. Sider reflects on opportunities to consider how educators can develop “glocal” thinking and encourage others to do so as well.

Mission on the Moon

Mission on the Moon is a programme designed for Canadian students in grades 6 to 9. The program focuses on space and STEM programming, and is a partnership between InkSmith and the Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University with financial support from the Canadian Space Agency. The program is an excellent opportunity to learn coding and other STEM skills and is a fantastic way to spark kids' interest in space and robotics in fun and engaging way. 

Partners in Promoting Learning: At Home Early Literacy Series

The At Home Early Literacy series of videos was designed for parents, teachers or anyone interested in supporting children as they build early reading skills. This series was created by Alexandra Gottardo and Eileen Wood as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded project. ade up of five modules, this series gives an overview of current research and best practices in a practical, how-to format that can be used in a variety of contexts.

Module 1 - Shared ReadingThis module discusses the importance of reading with children and how this time can be used to increase early reading skills. 
Module 2 - Alphabet KnowledgeThis module explains how to help a child learn about the alphabet. Learning the alphabet is an essential step to learning how to read. 
Module 3 - Phonological Awareness: This module focuses on how to teach the sounds of language and how these sounds connect to alphabet knowledge and reading printed words. 
Module 4 - VocabularyThis module discusses vocabulary skills and how to build a deeper, richer understanding of words. 
Module 5 - Children and Technology UseThis module talks about ways that you as parents or educators can ensure that children’s informal learning with technology is helpful and positive. 

We hope you can take some of these skills and suggestions to help your child develop an excitement for learning and early reading! For more information on the Partners in Promoting Learning project, contact

Thriving on Campus

Thriving on Campus is a multi-year study that explores the experiences, strengths, wellbeing, and academic development of diverse LGBTQ2S+ university students throughout Ontario. By providing a holistic picture of the experiences of LGBTQ2S+ university students in the province student groups, service providers, policymakers, and researchers will better understand how campus climate can positively and negatively impact these students and gain insights into the factors that can foster resilience among them. Ultimately, the research findings will aid service providers and policymakers to more effectively support diverse LGBTQ2S+ students through evidence-based policies and services.


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