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Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in the Americas: Towards More Balanced and Inclusive Curricular Representations and Classroom Practices

Cover of Ancient & Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in the Americas

Edited By Ehaab D. Abdou and Theodore Zervas

 This book brings attention to the understudied and often overlooked question of how curricula and classroom practices might inadvertently reproduce exclusionary discourses and narratives that omit or negate particular cultures, histories, and wisdom traditions.

With a focus on representations and classroom practices related especially to ancient and Indigenous wisdom traditions and cultures, it includes unique contributions from scholars studying these questions in various contexts. The book offers a range of important studies from various contexts across the Americas, including Canada, the various member nations of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Puerto Rico, and the United States. The various chapter contributions address and discuss nuances of each of the contexts under study. The contributions also help highlight some key commonalities across these contexts, including how dominant discourses and various forces have historically shaped—and continue to shape and reproduce— such omissions, misrepresentations, and marginalization. In addition to seeking to reconcile with some of these ancient and Indigenous wisdom traditions and cultures, the book charts a path forward toward more holistic analytical frameworks as well as more inclusive and balanced representations and classroom practices in these aforementioned geographic contexts and beyond.

It will appeal to scholars, researchers, undergraduate, and graduate students with interests in Indigenous education, curriculum studies, citizenship education, history of education, religion, and educational policy.

Education, Civics, and Citizenship and Citizenship in Egypt: Towards Inclusive Curricular Representations and Teaching

Cover of Education, Civics, and Citizenship

By Ehaab D. Abdou

This book explores how to render curricular representations more inclusive and how individuals’ interactions with competing historical narratives and discourses shape their civic attitudes and intergroup dynamics. Based on ethnographic research in the Egyptian context, it offers insights for curriculum developers, teacher educators, and teachers interested in the development of critical citizens who are able to engage with multiple narratives and perspectives. Drawing on theorizations of historical consciousness, critical pedagogy, and critical discourse analysis, it demonstrates the need for more nuanced and holistic analytical frameworks and pedagogical tools. Further, it offers insights towards building such analytical and pedagogical approaches to help gain a deeper understanding of connections between students’ historical consciousness tendencies and their civic engagement as citizens.

 Enacting Anti-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education

Cover of Enacting Ant-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education

Edited by Ardavan Eizadirad, Zuhra Abawi, and Andrew B. Campbell

Enacting Anti-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education is a timely edited collection that examines the complexities, challenges, spaces of resistance, and possibilities when faculty—specifically Black, Indigenous, and racialized faculty—advocate and implement anti racism approaches and pedagogies in Canadian teacher education programs.

Taking an explicitly critical anti-racist approach, the text challenges the pedagogical, curricular, structural, and institutional underpinnings in teacher education framed by whiteness. As a collective, the chapters explore how to disrupt white normalcy by dismantling the hierarchies in place and unpacking intersectionalities, positionalities, and knowledge production through transformative anti-racist pedagogies.

Including key terms, discussion questions, and “toolbox” sections highlighting advice for pre-service K–12 teachers, this text is an essential resource for undergraduate and graduate students in teacher education.

The Critical Friendship Revolution: Leading Ethical Practice Through Authentic Relationships

Cover of The Critical Friendship Revolution

By Courtney Brewer and Dr. Taunya Wideman-Johnston

"The Critical Friendship Revolution" redefines possibilities for leadership in education and beyond. Drawing on a vast canon of expert interdisciplinary research, Brewer and Wideman-Johnston connect fields of study in innovative ways to demonstrate how imperative it is to develop critical friendships in professional practice. This book will equip you to develop your own critical friendships and experience the revolution for yourself. 


The Power of Oral Culture in Education: Theorizing Proverbs, Idioms, and Folklore Tale

Cover of The Power of Oral Culture in Education

Edited by Ardavan Eizadirad and Dr. Njoki Wane

This volume explores the importance of inter-generational oral culture and stories that transcend time, space, and boundaries transmitted historically from one generation to the next through proverbs, idioms, and folklore tales in different geographical and spatial contexts.


From Bureaucracy to Bullets: Extreme Domicide and the Right to Home

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By Bree Akesson and Andrew Basso

What are the impacts of loss of home upon children, adults, families, communities, and societies? If having a home is a fundamental human right, then why is the destruction of home not viewed as a rights violation and punished accordingly? From Bureaucracy to Bullets answers these questions and more by focusing on the violent practice of extreme domicide, or the intentional destruction of the home, as a central and overlooked human rights issue. 

Counternarratives of Pain and Suffering as Critical Pedagogy: Disrupting Oppression in Educational Contexts 

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By Ardavan Eizadirad, Steve Sider and Andrew Campbell

Foregrounding diverse lived experiences and non-dominant forms of knowledge, this edited volume showcases ways in which narrating and sharing stories of pain and suffering can be engaged as critical pedagogy to challenge oppression and inequity in educational contexts. 


Leadership for Inclusive Schools: Cases from Principles for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs 

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By Steve Sider and Kimbely Maich

This book supports the professional learning of school principals, and those who aspire to be such, in development of their skills and knowledge around fostering inclusive schools for students with special education needs. 



Equity as Praxis in Early Childhood Education and Care

Cover of Equity as Praxis in Early Childhood Education and Care

By Zuhra Abawi, Ardavan Eizadirad, Rachel Berman

This book aims to map, deconstruct, and engage with different models of equity as they pertain to the early childhood education landscape in Ontario. This vital text encourages rethinking how narratives of equity and inclusion are constructed and what this means for young children and their families in Ontario, as well as throughout Canada.


Decolonizing Educational Assessment: Ontario Elementary Students and the EQAO

Cover of Decolonizing Educational Assessment

By Ardavan Eizadirad

Ardavan Eizadirad’s book examines the history of standardized testing in Ontario leading to the current context and its impact on racialized identities, particularly on Grade 3 students, parents, and educators. Using a theoretical argument supplemented with statistical trends, the author illuminates how EQAO tests are culturally and racially biased and promote a Eurocentric curriculum and way of life privileging white students and those from higher socioeconomic status. 

Introducing Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Approaches

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Edited by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito and John W. Schwieter

Assuming no prior knowledge, this book offers students a contemporary introduction to the study of language. Each thought-provoking chapter is accessible to readers from a variety of fields, and is helpfully organized across six parts: sound; structure and meaning; language typologies and change; language and social aspects; language acquisition; and language, cognition, and the brain. 


Proficiency Predictors in Sequential Bilinguals  

Cover of Proficiency Predictors in Sequential Bilinguals

By Lynette Austin,  Arturo E. Hernandez and John W. Schwieter

This book provides an overview of research considering variables deemed to impact bilingual language acquisition, and highlights research outcomes from a variety of disciplines. An exploratory study takes into account these variables and examines the language acquisition of adult Spanish-English bilinguals across a range of domains in their two languages. The results demonstrate that the highly interactive nature of bilingual speakers' languages is in line with a holistic view of the dynamic, interdependent nature of bilingualism as described by usage-based theories and dynamic systems theories, and by the conceptualization of bilingual language from a dynamic interactive processing perspective. 

Sustainable Food System Assessment

Cover of Sustainable Food System Assessment

Edited by Alison Bay-Palmer, Damien Conaré, Ken Meter, Amanda Di Battista and Carla Johnston

Sustainable Food System Assessmentprovides both practical and theoretical insights about the growing interest in and response to measuring food system sustainability. Bringing together research from the Global North and South, this book shares lessons learned, explores intended and actual project outcomes, and highlights points of conceptual and methodological convergence.  

Cover of My Many Friends, Our One Heart

By Raghad Ebied and Raghid Shreih, Illustrated by Eman Salem

In this story, Hadi and Sameer's mom explains the importance of having compassion for her children by underlining the universal value of having acceptance and love for others, regardless of our differences. The “Hadi’s Adventures” series aims to promote character education, represent the diversity of children, encourage children to develop critical thinking skills, and show examples of acceptance and harmony between members of society regardless of their faith or race.

Food Studies: Matter, Meaning, and Movement  

Cover of Food Studies

Edited by David Szanto, Amanda Di Battista, and Irena Knezevic  

This book aims to help students address questions about food, providing clarity and understanding about numerous themes, while also opening up possibilities for future exploration. It is also intended as a way to think about and transcend disciplinary boundaries, so that food itself might become a starting point for learning about and conducting research on food. 

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