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About Us

The Center for Leading Research in Education (CLRiE) aspires to unify many facets of education research under one roof fostering innovative approaches to education in a dynamic world.  


To be a leader in interdisciplinary research and knowledge mobilization related to education in a changing world. 

Core Purposes Are To...

  • Support research and research-related activities in education across the lifespan;
  • Build sustainable educational knowledge mobilization networks; and
  • Strengthen inter-disciplinary research networks with an education focus. 

Research Focus:

Our work is grouped in the following vines or research areas:

CLRiE golden vine logo with green background

Interested in becoming a CLRiE member? Please submit a membership application form.

Contact Us:

Alexandro Gottardo, Director

Danielle Law, Associate Director

Daise Mathew, Research Associate

Office Location: Waterloo Campus - R131, 202 Regina Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3B6

Office Location: Brantford Campus - RCE 138, 20 Charlotte St., Brantford, Ontario, N3T 2W2