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Research Outputs

While we are involved in producing numerous reports, they are typically owned and controlled by a community or organization that may not want the report shared by others. For that reason, only shared/shareable reports and publications are listed here.

Academic Publications (Since 2020)

(a * indicates IIPW lab student co-authors)

  1. Gault, S.*, McGarrity, M.*, Star, J.*, Chaves, D., Macdonald, R., Lee, F.*, Gilbert, O.*, Huber, K., Fischer, M., Stefanon, B.*, & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2023). Transitions into Adulthood for People Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review of Promising Practices. Children & Youth Services Review, 155. DOI: 1016/j.childyouth.2023.107239
  2. Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Burns, N.*, Pollock, N., Linton, J., Brubacher, L.J., Green, N., Keeling, A., Martin, J., Rand, J., & Latta, A. (2023). Indigenous communities and the mental health impacts of land dispossession related to industrial resource development: A systematic review. Lancet Planetary Health, 7(6), e501-517. DOI: 1016/S2542-5196(23)00079-7
  3. Stefanon, B.*, Tsetso, K., Tanche, K., & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2023). Effective Health and Wellness Systems for Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities: A Rapid Review. International Journal on Circumpolar Health, 82(1), 1-15. DOI: 1080/22423982.2023.2215553
  4. Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Almomani, Y.*, Dunbar Winsor, K., Burns, N., Harding, K.D., Ropson, M., Chaves, D., & Wolfson, L. (2023). Trauma-informed approaches for pregnant and/or parenting women who use alcohol: A scoping review. Women’s Health, 19, 1-22. DOI: 1177/17455057221148304
  5. Marshman, A.*, Saunders, E.*, Chaves, D., & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2022). Rapid Review of midwifery versus obstetric mental health screening and support. Midwifery, 103544. DOI: 1016/j.midw.2022.103544
  6. Simon, D.*, Burns, N.*, Hunter, N.R.*, Lanceleve, T.*, Herkimer, J.*, Prefontaine, N.*, Roan, S.*, Auger, J., Benoit, A., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Bourque-Bearskin, M.L. (2023). Embodied in Indigenous research: How Indigeneity, positionality, and relationality, contribute to research approaches and understanding. Healthy Populations Journal, 3(1), 30-43. DOI: 10.15273/hpj.v3i1.11475
  7. Jull, J., King, A., King, M., Graham, I., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Jacklin, K., Moody-Corbett, P., & Moore, J. (2020). A principled approach to research conducted with Inuit, Métis and First Nations People: Promoting engagement inspired by the CIHR Guidelines involving Aboriginal People (2007-2010). International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11(2). [hyperlink:]
  8. Morton Ninomiya, M.E., George, J., Linklater, R., Bernards, S., Graham, K., Peach, L., Bull, J. George, N., Plain, S., Stergiopoulos, V., Kurdyak, P., McKinley, G., Donnelly, P., & Wells, S. (2020). A Community-Driven and Evidence-Based Approach to Developing Mental Wellness Strategies in First Nations: A Program Protocol. BMC Research Involvement and Engagement, 6(1), 1-12. [hyperlink:]
  9. Ward, C., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., & Firestone, M. (2021). Anti-Indigenous racism training and culturally safe learning: Theory, practice and pedagogy. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 16(1).
  10. Venugopal, J., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Peach, L., Green, N., & Wells, S. (2021). Implemented and evaluated Indigenous community-wide wellness strategies: A scoping review. Rural and Remote Health, 21(1).
  11. George, J., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Graham, K., & Wells, S. (2021). Developing a Healing and Wellness Program for First Nations Boys and Men: The Mishoomsinaang Mentorship Program. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Māuri – Pimatisiwin, 6(2).
  12. Jull, J., King, A., Mashford-Pringle, A., Manitowabi, D., Walker, J., Brant, L., King, M., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Gordon, M., & Ferrazzi, P. (March 15, 2021). Indigenous community research partnership can help address health inequities. The Conversation.
  13. Maddox, R., Blais, G., Mashford-Pringle, A., Monchalin, R., Firestone, M., Ziegler, C., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., & Smylie, J. (2021). Indigenous Health Service and Program Evaluation: A systematic review. American Journal of Evaluation, 42(3), 332-353.
  14. Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Maddox, R., Brascoupé, S. Robinson, N., Atkinson, D., Firestone, M., Ziegler, C., Smylie, J. (2022). Knowledge translation approaches and practices in Indigenous health research: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 301(2022)
  1. Baziw, T.*, Huber, K., Macdonald, R., Morrison, N.* & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2021). Caregivers’ Experiences of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Process for Children/Youth in Waterloo Region. Wilfrid Laurier University: Waterloo, ON. For Caregiver participants, Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services, and Lutherwood Children’s Mental Health Centre.
  2. Living and caregiver perspectives on current and ideal housing supports for adults with FASD: A summary report.
  3. Tanche, K., Pearson, R., Tseto, K., Burns, N., and Morton Ninomiya, M. (2022). What the Decho Dene have said about health and wellness: A review of literature, reports and information related to health in wellness in the Dehcho region 
  4. Housing for adults with FASD: A policy brief
  5. Stefanon, B., Tanche, K., Tseto, K., and Morton Ninomiya, M. (2022). Summary report: A review of literature on effective health care practices in rural Indigenous communities.
  1. CBC radio interview (November 25, 2022) about the systematic review on mental health impacts on Indigenous Peoples from industry-related land dispossession.
  2. Webinar with the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (December 1, 2022) about the Innu FASD Prevention Strategy Development.
  3. Podcast (November 25, 2022) on "By the People for the People”: Knowledge Synthesis and its relationship to Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing. Whose Evidence is it anyway? 
  4. Online training on Indigenous community research partnership, an open access 5-module training.
  5. Video summary of and responses to study findings of “Living and caregiver perspectives on current and ideal housing supports for adults with FASD” 

    Study Findings:

    Reaction Video #1:

    Reaction Video #2: 

  6. Implemented and Evaluated Indigenous Community-Wide Strategies: A Scoping Review
  7. Overview of Indigenous Community Research Partnerships Training
  8. Free Online Indigenous Community Research Partnerships Training (4 Modules)