Research Outputs
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While we are involved in producing numerous reports, they are typically owned and controlled by a community or organization that may not want the report shared by others. For that reason, only shared/shareable reports and publications are listed here.
Academic Publications (Since 2020)
(a * indicates IIPW lab student co-authors)
- Gault, S.*, McGarrity, M.*, Star, J.*, Chaves, D., Macdonald, R., Lee, F.*, Gilbert, O.*, Huber, K., Fischer, M., Stefanon, B.*, & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2023). Transitions into Adulthood for People Living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review of Promising Practices. Children & Youth Services Review, 155. DOI: 1016/j.childyouth.2023.107239
- Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Burns, N.*, Pollock, N., Linton, J., Brubacher, L.J., Green, N., Keeling, A., Martin, J., Rand, J., & Latta, A. (2023). Indigenous communities and the mental health impacts of land dispossession related to industrial resource development: A systematic review. Lancet Planetary Health, 7(6), e501-517. DOI: 1016/S2542-5196(23)00079-7
- Stefanon, B.*, Tsetso, K., Tanche, K., & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2023). Effective Health and Wellness Systems for Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities: A Rapid Review. International Journal on Circumpolar Health, 82(1), 1-15. DOI: 1080/22423982.2023.2215553
- Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Almomani, Y.*, Dunbar Winsor, K., Burns, N., Harding, K.D., Ropson, M., Chaves, D., & Wolfson, L. (2023). Trauma-informed approaches for pregnant and/or parenting women who use alcohol: A scoping review. Women’s Health, 19, 1-22. DOI: 1177/17455057221148304
- Marshman, A.*, Saunders, E.*, Chaves, D., & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2022). Rapid Review of midwifery versus obstetric mental health screening and support. Midwifery, 103544. DOI: 1016/j.midw.2022.103544
- Simon, D.*, Burns, N.*, Hunter, N.R.*, Lanceleve, T.*, Herkimer, J.*, Prefontaine, N.*, Roan, S.*, Auger, J., Benoit, A., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Bourque-Bearskin, M.L. (2023). Embodied in Indigenous research: How Indigeneity, positionality, and relationality, contribute to research approaches and understanding. Healthy Populations Journal, 3(1), 30-43. DOI: 10.15273/hpj.v3i1.11475
- Jull, J., King, A., King, M., Graham, I., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Jacklin, K., Moody-Corbett, P., & Moore, J. (2020). A principled approach to research conducted with Inuit, Métis and First Nations People: Promoting engagement inspired by the CIHR Guidelines involving Aboriginal People (2007-2010). International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11(2). [hyperlink:]
- Morton Ninomiya, M.E., George, J., Linklater, R., Bernards, S., Graham, K., Peach, L., Bull, J. George, N., Plain, S., Stergiopoulos, V., Kurdyak, P., McKinley, G., Donnelly, P., & Wells, S. (2020). A Community-Driven and Evidence-Based Approach to Developing Mental Wellness Strategies in First Nations: A Program Protocol. BMC Research Involvement and Engagement, 6(1), 1-12. [hyperlink:]
- Ward, C., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., & Firestone, M. (2021). Anti-Indigenous racism training and culturally safe learning: Theory, practice and pedagogy. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 16(1).
- Venugopal, J., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Peach, L., Green, N., & Wells, S. (2021). Implemented and evaluated Indigenous community-wide wellness strategies: A scoping review. Rural and Remote Health, 21(1).
- George, J., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Graham, K., & Wells, S. (2021). Developing a Healing and Wellness Program for First Nations Boys and Men: The Mishoomsinaang Mentorship Program. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Māuri – Pimatisiwin, 6(2).
- Jull, J., King, A., Mashford-Pringle, A., Manitowabi, D., Walker, J., Brant, L., King, M., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Gordon, M., & Ferrazzi, P. (March 15, 2021). Indigenous community research partnership can help address health inequities. The Conversation.
- Maddox, R., Blais, G., Mashford-Pringle, A., Monchalin, R., Firestone, M., Ziegler, C., Morton Ninomiya, M.E., & Smylie, J. (2021). Indigenous Health Service and Program Evaluation: A systematic review. American Journal of Evaluation, 42(3), 332-353.
- Morton Ninomiya, M.E., Maddox, R., Brascoupé, S. Robinson, N., Atkinson, D., Firestone, M., Ziegler, C., Smylie, J. (2022). Knowledge translation approaches and practices in Indigenous health research: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 301(2022)
- Baziw, T.*, Huber, K., Macdonald, R., Morrison, N.* & Morton Ninomiya, M.E. (2021). Caregivers’ Experiences of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Process for Children/Youth in Waterloo Region. Wilfrid Laurier University: Waterloo, ON. For Caregiver participants, Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services, and Lutherwood Children’s Mental Health Centre.
- Living and caregiver perspectives on current and ideal housing supports for adults with FASD: A summary report.
- Tanche, K., Pearson, R., Tseto, K., Burns, N., and Morton Ninomiya, M. (2022). What the Decho Dene have said about health and wellness: A review of literature, reports and information related to health in wellness in the Dehcho region
- Housing for adults with FASD: A policy brief
- Stefanon, B., Tanche, K., Tseto, K., and Morton Ninomiya, M. (2022). Summary report: A review of literature on effective health care practices in rural Indigenous communities.
- CBC radio interview (November 25, 2022) about the systematic review on mental health impacts on Indigenous Peoples from industry-related land dispossession.
- Webinar with the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute (December 1, 2022) about the Innu FASD Prevention Strategy Development.
- Podcast (November 25, 2022) on "By the People for the People”: Knowledge Synthesis and its relationship to Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing. Whose Evidence is it anyway?
- Online training on Indigenous community research partnership, an open access 5-module training.
- Video summary of and responses to study findings of “Living and caregiver perspectives on current and ideal housing supports for adults with FASD”
Study Findings:
Reaction Video #1:
Reaction Video #2:
- Implemented and Evaluated Indigenous Community-Wide Strategies: A Scoping Review
- Overview of Indigenous Community Research Partnerships Training
- Free Online Indigenous Community Research Partnerships Training (4 Modules)