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Community Research Fellows

Community Fellows are non-academic individuals who are actively collaborating with the research Centre, who have a demonstrated interest in the research agenda and/or activities of Laurier Centre for Music in the Community, and who have requested to the Director to be a Community Fellow, and whose request has been accepted by Laurier's Standing Committee on Research and Publications. The result of the application will be communicated in writing by the Director.

Bev Foster

Founder and Executive Director of Room 217

Bev Foster

Bev is the Founder and Executive Director of the Room 217 Foundation, a Canadian health arts social enterprise. She has successfully innovated the music care approach which includes products, education, training, and certification to effectively integrate music into the care experience. Bev also speaks and writes on the power of music, especially in life limiting situations. Bev has valued her association with LCMC since 2010 to partner on the first MUSIC CARE conference. Bev’s research interests lie in integrating music into the caring communities by developing designed tools, training, and standards.

Read the research spotlight on Bev Foster.

Sara Geidlinger

Bonn Park Media

Sara Geidlinger

Sara Geidlinger is a multimedia storyteller with an MA from Wilfrid Laurier University in Community Music. She creates documentaries and podcasts highlighting local stories, including the award-winning Bonn Park Podcast and the internationally screened film Hip Hop Hope, which is a documentary exploring anti-racism through underground music. Her research interests focus on examining music's role in social change, community building, and amplifying marginalized voices through innovative and honest storytelling, videography, and arts-based research practices.


Instagram: @sarageidlinger

LinkedIn: @sarageidlinger

Sasha Judelson

Director, Great Lakes Music Together, Circle of Music

Sasha Judelson

Sasha Judelson is a graduate from the Master of Arts in Community Music program at Wilfrid Laurier University, and the Director of Great Lakes Music Together where she teaches young children.

She created The Circle of Music Intergenerational choir in 2016, which has run continuously and has received ongoing funding from the federal government. The choir brings together members of the community living with dementia, their caregivers and students. Sasha has presented the research associated with the Circle of Music at numerous conferences and seminars, contributed a chapter to Community Music at the Boundaries and a chapter about the choir, written with Dr. Lee Willingham is part of Creative Later Life (in publication).

Linkedin: @sasha-judelson

Pete Moser

Freelance composer, performer, facilitator and one-man band

Pete Moser

Pete Moser is a composer, performer, producer, facilitator and political activist. He was the founder and Artistic Director of More Music, one of the foremost community music charities in the UK. Pete has written scores for theatre, opera and dance projects as well as songs for occasions and large-scale choral and orchestral pieces. He is a multi-instrumentalist and teaches percussion, voice, brass and songwriting as well as the art of running workshops. He co-edited and wrote chapters in 'Community Music : A Handbook’, a book that is aimed at inspiring and empowering music leaders.

Over 25 years, his work in Morecambe, a seaside resort in the North West of England, saw programmes involve thousands people of all ages in creative musicmaking and performance. He is committed to creating opportunities for people from across the social spectrum to access musicmaking that can transform their lives. One project, the Long Walk, was a response to the Morecambe Bay tragedy of 2004 and initiated a 16-year development of community music practice in Hong Kong and mainland China. This led to international work with the International Society of Music Education as well conference presentations and work in the HE sector in Canada, New Zealand, Brazil, Australia and Germany.

Pete is the Fastest-One-Man-Band-In-The-World.


Phil Mullen

Community Musician (United Kingdom)

Phil Mullen

Dr. Phil Mullen is one of the world’s leading experts on musical inclusion and community music. Phil has worked for thirty-three years developing music with people who are socially excluded. He specializes in working with excluded children and young people at risk.

Phil spent eight years working in Northern Ireland using music as a tool for peace and reconciliation, and he has run workshops and seminars in 27 countries across Europe, North and South America and Asia. Phil has a PHD from Winchester University and has written a number of book chapters on musical inclusion including for the Oxford Handbook of Community Music (2018). His research focuses on promoting adoption of musically inclusive pedagogy in both formal and non-formal contexts.