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Policy Connections for Canada

How well is Canada navigating a dynamic regional and global context marked by profound political, socio-cultural, economic and environmental shifts?  What kinds of challenges are Canadian governments facing, and how are they addressed with the tools of public policy?

The ‘Policy Connections for Canada’ cluster exists to foster research, education, and discussion of Canada’s policy choices in a changing regional and international landscape. It acknowledges and engages with the complexity, interconnectivity and uncertainty that make public policy such a difficult yet essential field of study and practice.  The cluster’s researchers conduct multidisciplinary research on a wide variety of issues, including trade and foreign policy; climate and environmental policy; immigration, citizenship and refugee policy; as well as social policy and urban development.      

Contact Us:

Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada

T: 519.884.0710 x4594
F: 519.866.5057
Office Location: 232 King Street North, Room K108 Waterloo

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday, 9 a.m to 4:30 p.m