Submitted Manuscripts and Manuscripts in Progress.
More coming soon thank you for your patience.
Jennifer Dobai, Manuel Riemer
Reimer-Watts, K., Abel, E., Coulombe, S. et al.2021
- Understanding the psycho-environmental potential functions of a green building to promote employee health, wellbeing and productivity: A theoretical perspective
Jillian Zitars a b, Brittany Spadafore a b, Simon Coulombe a c d, Manuel Riemer a b, Bianca C. Dreyer a b, Stephanie Whitney e
Dreyer, B. C., Riemer, M., Spadafore, B., Marcus, J., Fernandes, D., Taylor, A., Whitney, S.,Geobey, S., Dennett, A.
Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice.Eady, A., Dreyer, B. C., Hey, B., Riemer, M., and Wilson, A.
Whitney, S., Dreyer, B. C., and Riemer, M.
Beyond Exposure to Outdoor Nature: Exploration of the Benefits of a Green Building’s Indoor Environment on Wellbeing.
Dreyer, B.C., Coulombe, S., Whitney, S., Riemer, M., and Labbe, D.
2017Dittmer, L., Mugagga, F., Metternich, A., Schweizer-Ries, P., Riemer, M.
Matthews, L., Lynes, J., Riemer, M., Del Matto, T., and Cloet, N.
Riemer, M., Van Voorhees, C.W., Dittmer, Alisat, S., Alam, N., Sayal, R., …
Schweizer-Ries, P.
Community Psychology: In pursuit of liberation and well-being (3rd edition).
Riemer, M., Reich, S.M., Evans, S., Nelson, G. and Prilleltensky, I.
Shifting Mindsets for Managing Complexity: A Municipal Case Study
Authors: Peter Jones, PhD; Manuel Riemer, PhD; Gryphon Theriault-Loubier, MSc; Brittany Spadafore, MA
Sustainability Through an Inclusive Lens (STIL) increasing the accessibility of multi-stream waste disposal systems – A research report1
Authors: Alicia Bevan, BA; Brittany Spadafore, MA; Manuel Riemer, PhD
The Unique Story of evolv1 in Waterloo Region
Authors: Manuel Riemer, PhD; Kai Reimer-Watts, MCC; Stephanie Whitney, PhD;
& Sherley Leitan-Claymo
Buettgen, A., Lofts, K., and Tompa, E.
Key Consideration: Sustainability Justice in the Context of Municipal Climate Action Planning
Prepared by: Jennifer Dobai, Dr Manuel Riemer and Bianca Dreyer
More Policy briefs and Literature reviews, coming soon.