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Our streams of research below, all ‘live’ under the umbrella of The Culture of Sustainability (CoS). Each streams project(s) includes one or multiple research themes VERiS is focused on investigating.

The European Research Stream (VMCE)

VERiS doctoral fellow Bianca Dreyer is leading the VMCE together with VERiS director, Dr. Manuel Riemer. Besides the connection with European partners in the Climate Justice Partnership, the main activity of VMCE has been a research project with Critical Concrete, which developed an in-depth, socio-ecological understanding of the transformative potential of urban just sustainability projects in the area of affordable housing, using an in-depth case study focused on exploring how participatory co-production projects can address ecological and social needs.

Flourishing Enterprise Stream

The Flourishing Enterprise Institute (FEI) is committed to accelerating the development and mobilization of innovative management knowledge and solutions that will enable enterprises to progress toward a flourishing future. The leadership of the FEI secured a SSHRC Connection Grant designed to support the 1800 plus members of the Strongly Sustainable Business Model Group (SSBMG) (the pre-existing community of practice that provoked the establishment of an applied academic research institute) co-creatively developing the foundations upon which FEI would be built.  From August 14-16 2019 a Founding Forum was hosted by VERiS, convening diverse and forward-thinking group of SSBMG members. Twenty six esteemed professionals from across the US, Sweden, Germany, Italy and four Canadian provinces, participated in what was a jam-packed and inspiring two day conference. The event featured a public keynote presentation delivered by world renowned academic, author and founder of Appreciative Inquiry, Dr. David Cooperrider.

While preparing for the launch of additional nodes internationally, the FEI has decided to concentrate on the development of its first node which is hosted at VERiS and shared with OCAD University.  The FEI recently secured a SSHRC Partner Engage Grant in partnership with the City of Kitchener and REFOCUS to study the how City’s Corporate Leadership Team experiences REFOCUS’ innovative Enterprise Evolution program.  The FEI has also become a core partner within a VERiS project launched in June of 2020, focused on integrating sustainability justice into municipal climate action planning. 

Wellbeing Stream

The Wellbeing Stream focuses on

a) exploring the diverse ways individuals’, organizations’ and communities’ physical and social environments contribute to optimal functioning at the personal and social levels, and

b) to examine the interrelations between human wellbeing and sustainability. The stream is located at the unique intersection between multiple areas: positive psychology, community psychology, organizational psychology, design/architecture and mental health research.

Contact Us:

Office Location: 232 King St North, Waterloo, ON N2G 4V6

Office Hours:

We are currently working remotely.