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Gunn Prize

In their effort to preserve the legacy of Canada’s immigration history and to support continued excellence in research in Canada on migration to and settlment in Canada, the International Migration Research Centre (IMRC) and the Canadian Immigration Historical Society (CIHS) jointly offer the Gunn Prize, a $1,000 prize for a fourth-year undergraduate or graduate-level research paper on the historical evolution of Canadian immigration policy or a historical analysis of Canadian immigration related to specific places, events, or communities. The prize is named after Al Gunn, one of the founding members of the CIHS and its longstanding Secretary until his death in 2009.

The Gunn Prize for the best historical essay on migration to and settlement in Canada is an interdisciplinary prize, and will therefore consider papers from any discipline in the social sciences and humanities (e.g., history, political science, sociology, global studies, communication studies) that addresses migration to and settlement in Canada from a historical perspective. The prize is national and will accept applications from graduating fourth-year students and graduate students enrolled in Canadian universities, in either French or English, from across the country. Papers are reviewed by a committee consisting of IMRC and CIHS associates/members. The prize will be conferred jointly by the IMRC and the CIHS and will be given out annually in the fall.

The deadline for the 2020 competition is June 30, 2020.

Submission Requirements

  • English or French.
  • Between 15-20 pages in length.
  • Include a cover page with name/contact information (name should not appear on subsequent pages) the course, degree program and institution for which the paper was written, as well as the current program status of the author.
  • 1.5 line spacing, one-inch margins in a standard 12-point font such as Times New Roman.
  • Thoroughly proofread.
  • Citations in APA or MLA style.
  • Submit as a .pdf file to

Note: By submitting their paper, the author consents to it being made public on the IMRC and CIHS websites, through submission to the Laurier institutional repository, should their work be selected for the award. 

Previous Winners

  • 2019: Lianne Robin Koren, Department of History at McGill University, Montreal. Essay, "Europeanized Moroccans: North African Jewish Immigration to Canada, 1955-1960."
  • 2017: Iain Wilson, Department of History at Queen’s University, Kingston. Essay, "Organic Settlement in Pre-19th Century Newfoundland."
  • 2016: Kassandra Luciuk, Department of History at the University of Toronto. Essay, "'There is only one Ukrainian People': Ukrainian Canadians, symbols of self, and the negotiation of legitimacy in Cold War Canada."
  • 2014: Geoffrey Cameron, Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Essay, "The Political Origins of Refugee Resettlement Policy: Insights from the Policy Process in Canada (1938-1951)."
  • 2013: Dara Marcus, Department of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. Essay, "The Hai Hong incident: One boat's effect on Canada's policy towards Indochinese refugees."
  • 2011: Alyshea Cummins, Wilfrid Laurier University. Essay, "A Comparison of the Refugee Resettlement of Ugandan Ismaili Muslims and Cambodia Theravada Buddhists in Canada."
  • 2010: Stephen A. Fielding, University of Victoria. Essay, "'We are Promoting an Up-to-date Image of Italy': The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Ethnicity in Vancouver, Canada, 1973-1998."


Prix Gunn

Dans leur effort de préserver l'héritage de l'histoire de l'immigration au Canada et pour soutenir l'excellence continue de la recherche au Canada sur les migrations et l’établissement au Canada, le Centre de recherche sur les migrations internationales (CRMI) et la Société historique de l'immigration canadienne (SHIC) offrent conjointement un prix de 1000$ pour un dissertation de recherche de quatrième année du baccalauréat ou d'un cycle supérieur portant sur l'évolution historique de la politique d'immigration canadienne ou faisant une analyse historique de l'immigration canadienne liée à certains endroits, évènements, ou communautés. Le prix porte le nom d’Al Gunn, l’un des membres fondateurs du CIHS et son secrétaire de longue date jusqu’à sa mort, en 2009.

Le prix Gunn pour le meilleur dissertation historique sur les migrations vers et l’établissement au Canada est un prix interdisciplinaire, et donc considère les travails de recherches de toutes les disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines (p. ex. histoire, science politique, sociologie, études mondiales, communication, etc.) qui abordent le sujet des migrations vers et de l’établissement au Canada avec une perspective historique. Le prix est national et acceptera les demandes d'étudiants de quatrième année universitaire ou d'un cycle supérieur inscrits dans une université canadienne, en français ou en anglais, provenant de partout au pays. Les dissertations sont évaluées par un comité formé des membres et associés du CRMI et de la SHIC. Le prix sera décerné conjointement par le CRMI et la SHIC et sera remis annuellement à l'automne.

Format de soumission

  • Anglais ou français et entre 15 et 20 pages de longueur
  • Page de couverture avec nom et coordonnées (le nom ne doit pas apparaître sur les pages suivantes) ainsi que le cours, le programme d'études, l'institution pour laquelle le document a été rédigé et le statut de programme d'études actuel de l'auteur(e)
  • Interligne de 1,5, marges de 2,5 cm (1 po), avec une police standard (tel que Times New Roman) de taille 12
  • Soigneusement corrigé
  • Citations doivent suivre les styles APA ou MLA

Veuillez soumettre les demandes par courriel en version 'pdf' à jusqu'au vendredi 30 juin 2019 au plus tard. En soumettant son document, l'auteur(e) accepte que celui-ci soit rendu publique sur les sites web du CRMI et de la SHIC si leur travail est sélectionné pour le prix.


  • 2017: Iain Wilson, Department of History at Queen’s University, Kingston. Essay, "Organic Settlement in Pre-19th Century Newfoundland."
  • 2016: Kassandra Luciuk, Department of History at the University of Toronto. Essay, "'There is only one Ukrainian People': Ukrainian Canadians, symbols of self, and the negotiation of legitimacy in Cold War Canada."
  • 2014: Geoffrey Cameron, Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. Essay, "The Political Origins of Refugee Resettlement Policy: Insights from the Policy Process in Canada (1938-1951)."
  • 2013: Dara Marcus, Department of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. Essay, "The Hai Hong incident: One boat's effect on Canada's policy towards Indochinese refugees."
  • 2011: Alyshea Cummins, Wilfrid Laurier University. Essay, "A Comparison of the Refugee Resettlement of Ugandan Ismaili Muslims and Cambodia Theravada Buddhists in Canada."
  • 2010: Stephen A. Fielding, University of Victoria. Essay, "'We are Promoting an Up-to-date Image of Italy': The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Ethnicity in Vancouver, Canada, 1973-1998."


Contact Us:

T: 226.772.3183
Office Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 242, 67 Erb Street West, Waterloo, ON