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Logo of the northern sustainable food systems research group. There is a black soup pot over a fire with northern light motifs in the background

Now Recruiting Masters and Phd students for northern agriculture and sustainable food systems research!

The Northern Sustainable Food Systems Research Group is looking for exceptional candidates to support ongoing northern agriculture, agroecology, and food systems research as part of their graduate studies. Students will support ongoing community-based research in the NWT through various projects to address critical issues related to sustainable food systems and food security in the NWT at both community and regional scales.


Apply now to Geography Programs at Laurier (MES, MSc, PhD) 

Candidates are required to spend time in a northern community as part of their graduate program.

Programs start September 2025, but interested applicants can complete a Research Assistantship during Summer 2025 prior to program entry.

To apply, please send a letter of interest, a full CV, unofficial transcript(s), and the names of two references via email to Dr. Andrew Spring ( Informal inquiries are welcome.

Download the full recruitement flyer here


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