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2024 Schedule is posted below.

This page provides with you with the details and descriptions of each workshop. All workshops are being offered ONLINE this year.

All times are in the Eastern Time Zone.


Workshop Information

Title and Instructor


Date and Time

Intro to Analysis with R

with Derek Gray



R is a powerful and open-source software package for statistical analysis that is, by some measures, becoming the standard for data analysis in the private, public and academic sectors. Its strengths are its open nature, flexibility, its capacity to produce compelling and informative graphics and the thousands of users that produce an astonishing array of packages that enable the software to perform statistical analyses.

This day-long session will introduce participants to R tailored to their topics of interest and level of familiarity with statistics and data analysis. Topics will include basic data management strategies, producing descriptive and bivariate statistics, the linear and generalized linear model and data visualization. 

Prerequisites: This is a beginner course, and therefore does not require any specific prerequisites. An introductory statistics class would be beneficial, as would some experience working with a computer programming language. A lack of either of these experiences will not hinder your success in the course.

Prepare:  Please pre-install the software on your own device so you can follow along.

July 8, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Advanced Analysis with R

with Derek Gray



This workshop will provide a brief overview of working with R and R Studio before touching on some advanced topics in R. The topics will be tailored to the interests of participants, but could include the use of R Markdown, analysis of repeated-measures designs, multiple regression analysis with automatic variable selection, running simple simulations, multivariate analysis using Principle Components Analysis and Redundancy Analysis, and the creation of publication-quality figures, including those with multiple panels embedded in a single figure.

Prequisites:  The LSIRM introductoryworkshop or an undergraduate statistics course and basic familiarity with R is recommended.

Prepare:  Please pre-install the software on your own device so you can follow along.

July 9, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Intro to R Markdown

with Greg Rousell

Apologise this course has been withdrawn for 2024 and will not run.

This one-day introductory workshop will teach students the fundamentals of how to create R Markdown scripts to create reproducible reports and presentations in various formats (PDF, Word, PowerPoint, HTML). Students will gain experience constructing several reports from data sets provided to the class. This class is appropriate for attendees with experience using R and RStudio who want to create reproducible data analyses and reports that can be shared with a large audience.

 July 10, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Intro to SPSS: Data Cleaning & Analysis

with Anthony Piscitelli



This 1-day workshop is ideal for anyone working, or planning to work, with survey data. No background in research methods or statistical analysis is required. This workshop introduces basic skills in data analysis using SPSS. The day will mix discussion of statistical analysis principles (e.g. variables, formulating hypotheses, levels of measurement, univariate statistics, bivariate statistics, etc.) with hands-on training. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to import data into SPSS, recode variables, generate tables, and execute some basic descriptive analysis.

Prerequisites: No background in research methods or statistical analysis is required. 

*Online attendees must have access to SPSS on their personal devices*

 July 11, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Scholarship & CV Writing 101

with Ciann Wilson


 This half-day crash course provides attendees the essentials of applying to scholarships to fund student research. Be it local, provincial, or national scholarships, this workshop is for those interested in learning how to craft a proposal, or refine their proposal ideas. Individuals working in the non-profit world on grants may also benefit from the skills and tools gained in this workshop. 

*Laurier Community Psychology students are eligible to audit this workshop for a discounted fee. Email for more information. 

 July 12, 2023

9 a.m. to  12 p.m.

Research & Teaching Dossiers

with Ciann Wilson

Learn what these documents are, what they include, and how to craft one in winning over hiring committees for academic positions in universities and colleges.  

*Laurier Community Psychology students are eligible to audit this workshop for a discounted fee. Email for more information. 

 July 17, 2024

1 p.m. to  4 p.m.

Questionnaire Design, Sampling & Recruitment

with Sean Simpson

Many people underestimate the art and science that goes into developing and designing a good survey. This workshop will help you develop surveys that are both valid (truly answer your research questions) and reliable (respondents understand what you are asking).

The instructor - the Vice President of Ipsos Public Affairs in Canada - will draw on several decades of research on survey design and response process as well as his own experience as a researcher, teacher and consultant in survey design. It is the perfect synthesis between theoretical and practical, real-world approaches.

Among other topics, conceptualization, operationalization, the survey development process, survey structure and format, question wording, and online surveys will be discussed. The workshop is conducted in an interactive way and participants will be able to apply their knowledge through practice exercises.

July 15, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Qualitative Analysis

with Charlie Davis


Qualitative data analysis (QDA) turns qualitative information (i.e. words, artistic expressions) into research findings. It is the process through which we identify, explain, interpret, and make sense of stories, text and images. 

This workshop offers an overview of the foundational components and elements of QDA, such as first-cycle coding and second-cycle coding. By the end of the workshop, attendees will understand how coding leads to abstractions/theoretical models and how to build a coding framework. It provides transferrable skills that can be applied to various qualitative methodologies.

By the end of this day, you will have a better understanding of how to plan for QDA, be familiar with basic coding techniques, know how to ensure your findings are trustworthy, and be ready to start analyzing.

This is a hands-on workshop; you will have opportunity to practice your new knowledge and skill by working with sample data provided online.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of qualitative methods, e.g. how qualitative methods differ from quantitative. This workshop is appropriate for academics and professionals alike.

Prepare: Prior thinking about the type of data that may be collected (if participants have a project in mind) would be helpful.

July 16, 2024

9 a.m. to  4 p.m.

Skills for Effective Interviewing and Focus Groups

with Nicole Burns


 Interviewing is the most common method of data collection used in qualitative research. This workshop provides a detailed overview of individual and group interviews, which are the most common methods of data collection used in qualitative research.

By the end of this session, you will be familiar with the benefits and challenges of interviewing, how to create an interview protocol, how to craft effective questions, key skills in conducting the interview, and how to assess the quality of an interview. You will have the opportunity to practice your new knowledge and skills through role-playing in online breakout groups. This workshop is appropriate for academics and professionals alike.

Prerequisites: None

July 17, 2024

9 a.m. to  12 p.m.

Intro to NVivo

with Charlie Davis


This workshop will be offered as either half day (Part 1) or the full day (Part 1 & 2). 

Part 1 will cover basic usage of NVIVO software, organizing data and/or literature, basic coding, and methodological considerations. This half day workshop would be great for people who just need to learn the basics, do not have a complex dataset and will not be using any of the more advanced features in NVivo.

Part 2 will only be available for people who register for the full day workshop and will cover intermediate-advanced usage of NVIVO such as,  querying/quantifying data, organizing classifications, and data visualization. This full-day workshop would be great for people who already have some working understanding of NVivo, have complex datasets, want to do advanced analysis or are eager to learn about all that NVivo has to offer. 

This workshop is taught using an interactive approach and attendees will be able to practice their skills using NVIVO. Individuals are encouraged to bring a working dataset (e.g. transcripts from interviews or focus groups) or a selection of literature. If you do not have current data or relevant literature to review, a sample transcript and literature will be provided.

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of qualitative data analysis is highly recommended. Check details for Free NVivo and ensure you have it set up for the workshop.

Part 1 July 18, 2024

9 a.m. to  12 p.m.

Part 2 July 18, 2024

1 p.m. to  4 p.m.