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Portrait of Ginette Lafrenière

Recipient of Merit Award for Service

For her contribution to service in the Faculty of Social Work, Dr. Ginette Lafrenière was awarded the Merit Award in 2019. Along with directing two research groups (Manulife Centre for Community Health Research and the Social Innovation Research Group) and teaching, Dr. Lafrenière has played an integral role in the MSW Online Program.

As stated by the Merit Summary 2019, Dr. Lafrenière "has actively been on 5 university committees and worked as an “Online Support Person” for instructors and teaching assistants for the new FSW on-line program. She was instrumental in organising social work week as well as organising two poverty forums in November 2018 and March 2019. She collaborated in organising community events for the Black and African community of Waterloo region. She has supported several meetings with the Central Region of Ontario Violence Against Women Forum." (WULFA Merit Awards, 2019)


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