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September 2018 Newsletter

The Manulife Centre for Community Health Research has been very busy over the past year with new and exciting projects going on with the support of some great placement students. 

A few of the highlights from our newsletter include: developing a partnership with a social enterprise in Dakar, Senegal dedicated to youth involvement in international environmental issues, hosting a national conference on "Legacies of Social Welfare Work in Canada", organizing and facilitating a walking tour in the Kitchener community examining the social history of women and poverty, developing a workshop on bystander training to be used by undergraduate and graduate Laurier students as well as Laurier staff and faculty, and continuing to work on program evaluations of amazing community services. We would also like to welcome our Fall placement students: Emma Parsons (MSW candidate), Jenn Vale (MSW candidate) and Lauren Burkhardt (BSW student). 

Read about all of our projects and exciting opportunities to be apart of our research group! 

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