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New Special Issue of Journal "International Migration" Features Work by IMRC Researchers

A special issue of the journal International Migration on the two Global Compacts, featuring an article by IMRC researchers Jenna Hennebry and Allison Petrozziello, was published in December, 2019. Edited by Susan Martin and Elizabeth Ferris, it includes 21 articles by renowned scholars in the field of migration and refugees. Following an introduction by the editors examining the process by which the two global compacts were adopted, the issue begins with articles by António Vitorino, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration on the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and by Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).

Several articles explore the human rights dimensions of the compacts, including those by Geoff Gilbert on operationalizing the GCR; on human rights in the GCM by Elspeth Guild, Tugba Basaran and Kathryn Allinson; and on benchmarking migrants rights in the GCM by Justin Gest, Ian Kysel and Tom Wong.

Additional articles provide comparative analysis of specific policy issues in both of the new compacts, including analysis on the treatment of labor markets by Philip Martin and Martin Ruhs; on immigration detention by Izabella Majcher; on gender by Jenna Hennebry and Allison Petrozziello; on shortcomings in protection of forced migrants by Liliana Lyra Jubilut and Melissa Martins Casagrande; and on international travel security by Rey Koslowski.

The nexus between humanitarian and development actors in the GCR is explored by Sarah Deardorff Miller, followed by articles on national frameworks in the GCR by Emily Arnold-Fernandez; on burden-sharing by Markus Rudolf; on the impact of the GCR on local governments in Turkey by Basak Kale and Murat Erdogan; and on the role of affected communities and civil society in the two compacts by Stefan Rother and Elias Steinhilper. 

The special issue concludes with three articles on regional perspectives on the two compacts, including articles on regional consultative processes in Africa in the leadup to the GCM by Olawale Maiyegun; on European Union perspectives on the global compacts by Emma Martin Diaz and Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena; and perspectives from Asia by Binod Khadria and colleagues.

Taken together, the articles in this special issue provide a variety of insights into both the achievements and the shortcomings of these two new global compacts on migration and refugees. 

The issue is open-access and free to download for a short period only, so take a look soon!
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