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Important Links and Studies

Akesson, B., Hoffman, D., El Joueidi, S.,  and Badawi, D. Sept 2018. "So the World Will Know Our Story": Ethical Reflections on Research with Families Displaced by War, Forum: Qualitative Social Research.

Gilgun, J. August 2018. Qualitative Inquiry in Social Work: Global Perspectives, 1(1).

Marilys, G. and Gillam, L. April 2004.  Ethics, Reflexivity, and "Ethically Important Moments" in Research, Qualitative Inquiry.

Moasun, F. August 2018. When ethical requirements become a bane on qualitative inquiry in third world countries: Reflecting on studying ‘sensitive’ topics as a Ghanaian student in Canada. Qualitative Inquiry in Social Work, 1(1), pp 26-28.

Tikly, L. and Bond, T. June 2013. Towards a postcolonial research ethics in comparative and international education, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

Wilson-Forsberg, S. January 2019. (Op-Ed). Hope and Anguish in a Mexican Refugee Shelter: Researcher Records Stories of Central American Asylum Seekers, The Conversation (reprinted in the National Post).

Wilson-Forsberg, S. and  Porraz Gómez, I. F. July 2019. (Op-Ed). As Mexico Appeases Trump, Migrants Bear the Brunt, The Conversation.

Wilson-Forsberg, S. and  Porraz Gómez, I. F. March 2019. (Op-Ed). Mexico's Frontera Sur: Life Carries on in this Place of Permanent Mobility, The Conversation (reprinted in the National Post)

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