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Daniel To

I graduated with a Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership in April of 2017.

I am the District Principal Education Services, Speciality Programs in the Surrey School District. In this role, I am the district representative for Mental Health and Wellness Programming and serve on Interagency/Intergovernmental Committees for programs dealing with students with mental health issues. I also oversee programs for youth at risk, vulnerable youth, students with mental health issues, and Summer Learning. Additionally, I am an Instructor in the Master of Arts in Leadership Program as part of the TWU Global Department at Trinity Western University.

I believe that children deserve to have a well-rounded educational experience that allows them to grow and flourish into young adults, culminating in their ability to positively contribute to our community. Regardless of background, personal struggles, or socioeconomic status, every child must be given every opportunity to learn, and grow; it is incumbent upon us in public education to provide such opportunities. In the work that my staff and I do, we have the unique ability to reach those who seem unreachable, and to build relationship with those who feel like they have been discarded by society. We strive to be the adults that build strong relationships with these students and their families—showing them a high level of care and giving them a positive, meaningful, and life changing educational experience.

Most importantly, I am the proud father of 2 awesome kids and have the best life partner anyone could ever have.

Check out more from Daniel on the Surrey Schools Mental Health and Wellness YouTube channel!

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