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Disability Inclusion in the Green Economy

VERiS's Associate Director, Alexis Buettgen et al, publishes a scoping review "Disability Inclusion in the Green Economy: A Scoping Review of Challenges, Barriers, and Opportunities."


Individuals with disabilities have long faced disproportionate economic disadvantages, including higher poverty rates, poorer health outcomes, limited access to education, and restricted employment opportunities compared to those without disabilities. The green economy, characterized by low carbon emissions, resource efficiency, and social inclusivity, holds the potential to address these persistent inequities by creating jobs that promote income equality and support sustainable livelihoods. However, despite the growing global shift toward carbon neutrality, there is a significant gap in understanding the challenges and opportunities faced by persons with disabilities in this transition. This scoping review aims to assess the current state of knowledge regarding the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the green economy, with a particular focus on the Global North.

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