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Jovan Poposki

jovan poposki head shot

Jovan is in the MSc Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience program at Laurier where he is continuing his pursuit of knowledge following the completion of his BA degree in Psychology. His research interests include schizophrenia, statistics, and ergonomics. As part of the VERiS research group, Dr. Noam Miller and Jovan are using several sensors to gather data that shows longitudinal changes in the green building’s physical features such as temperature, humidity, and air quality. These data can also be used to strengthen other parts of the research VERiS is focusing on. In addition, they are building a program that will simulate a workspace with virtual workers to see what workplace design is ideal for productivity output. The result will be a program that can generalize across workplaces and be used not just for design purposes, but as a general simulation shell where any measure can be added simply.

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