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Social Work under Covid-19 Magazine

Three articles were published by our team at the Social Innovation Research Group (SIRG) and the Manulife Centre for Community Health Research (MCCHR) in the fifth and final edition of the Social Work 2020 under Covid-19 Magazine.

To read each article, please click on the links below:

  1. COVID Activism: How the Pandemic has Revealed New Strategies for Social Media and Technology in Community Organizing and Social Activism, by Rachel Yavnai and Ginette Lafreniere
  2. Redefining Relationships During COVID-19:How Transitioning to Remote Learning is Transforming the Relationships Between Students and Instructors, by Brittany Bruce
  3. Shifting Dialogues and Tensions on the Merits of Online Learning: A Survey of LinkedIn Conversations, by Andrew Malcolm
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